A friend of ours from Facebook, Prashantji, shared a concern regarding the typically exclusivist view of Christians, and the downfalls of Hindus wishing each other a “Merry Christmas”. It is this exclusivist attitude that leads to the inherently violent nature of religious conversion. Here is an example from Prashantji (feel free to share any stories you may have the comments below):
“Roundabout 7 years ago, I was living in an apartment close to Georgia Tech. My family had planned a trip to Bhaarat. We had a few small Tulsi paudhas that we meticulously took care of, and requested one of our neighbors if he could kindly water them for 3 weeks in our absence. He happily complied. Later, as a courtesy my mother thanked him stating Tulsi Ma is sacred to us.
Hearing this, he immediately revoked his offer, refusing to water our plants as it conflicted with his religious beliefs.
Wind the clock forward, and we still find Dhimmi Hindus wishing EACH OTHER a Merry Christmas on FB. I almost wonder if Kaliyug is catching up to us or whether we are inviting it ourselves.
I’m usually a congenial guy, and only under the rarest circumstances do I remove people. But any Hindu wishing me today will get booted off my list with immediate effect. Already removed a few. You want to commit cultural suicide, do it to yourself, don’t drag me into the gutter with you.
Edit: A few well-wishers suggested (and I agree) that rather than removing anyone it is better to help educate them. Totally agree with the idea. Was genuinely annoyed to see the X-Mas excitement among Hindus.”
We request all Hindus stop wishing each other Merry Christmas, and please do more research on the inherently exclusivist and violent nature of all proselytizing religions.
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