Washington State Representative Matt Shea is looking to create a 51st “Christian State” within the United States. He has the support of other politicians and legislators.
This is the same Matt Shea that recently published a Christian manifesto calling for the execution of all males who refuse to full “Biblical Law”.
Details on his proposal to create a Christian theocracy can be found on Patheos.com.
Thanks to author Valavai Venkat for calling this article to our attention.
Sri Venkat writes:
“[Quote] Washington state Rep. Matt Shea, who recently published a Christian manifesto calling for the execution of all males who refuse to follow “Biblical law,” is leading the GOP plan for a 51st “Christian state” which would be based on Biblical law. [Unquote]
In case you wonder why women aren’t executed, it is because they would be taken as war booty. The pretense of catalog brides can be dispensed with! In an even more extreme version, Christianity advocates herem warfare in which even women, children, and cattle would be butchered allowing the Christians to inherit all land and resources. If the delusions of this 51st state are realized, Christians would be busy enforcing another hardcore advocacy of Jesus, i.e., all women who are suspected not to be virgins on their nuptial nights would be stoned to death in front of their fathers’ doorsteps in a mob frenzy.
Find this all revolting? You must. However, not with the fact that I presented these – but rather with the fact that these are the fundamental teachings of Christianity which Jesus sanctified. You must find it revolting that millions of Christians believe in these disgusting teachings. You must be offended that the leftists are shielding Christianity and Jesus from criticism and that they even secure it through secularism. You must be concerned that virtually every Christian denomination publishes its version of the Bible with these teachings intact and infect the minds of impressionable children. You must be furious that Asia and Africa are infected with Christianity under the guise of religious freedom.
Matt Shea has honestly, although disgustingly, articulated the core teachings of Jesus and Christianity. He has simply stated what millions of Christians earnestly believe in. He has only repeated what Jesus advocated. Don’t blame him. Instead, realize that Christianity is a memetic virus which has no place in civilized society. Do your part to eradicate the ideology of Christianity and to save Christians from Jesus.”
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