Admissions of Violence

Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson Says Beat Non-believers Until They Believe in Christianity

Once again, the Christian proselytizers and apologists show their true violent natures. During an episode of the horrendous propaganda television show 700 Club, Pat Robertson was asked by a viewer what to do about a grandson and son-in-law that does not believe in Christianity when preached to at family gatherings. Rather than the obvious answer […]

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Ramalingam murdered by proselytizing Muslims

Muslims Murder Man Who Attempted To Hinder Their Proselytization Attempts

In a temple town in Tamilnadu, a group of Muslims were proselytizing in a Dalit neighborhood. A Hindu man, Ramalingam, a shopkeeper, persuaded them gently to desist. He said to them, “Why create divisions? We are all the same. I can come to your mosque, you can come to my temple. I can wear your […]

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Christian violence

Murder Suspect To Judge: “I’ll Chop Anyone Up Who Disrespects Jesus Christ”

Utica, New York: 29-year-old Naythen Aubain, charged with murdering and chopping up the bodies of his grandmother and landlord, repeatedly told the judge during his arraignment, “I’ll chop anyone up who disrespects Jesus Christ.” According to the Friendly Atheist blog, when Aubain was asked why he committed the crime, he replied with, “in the name of […]

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